Improving one’s professional development is one of the goals of all workers but also of students who are entering the world of work for the first time. The Internet offers more and more courses that aim to improve one’s soft skills, accessible to everyone.
The ones we want to point out today are 5 free courses that Google’s e-learning platform offers for free to the public who want to develop their personal skills in order to better approach their studies or job search.
Let’s face it, each of us even at the idea of speaking in front of an audience shudders!
No matter how many people we are in front of, opening up and sharing ideas, thoughts or information with strangers always arouses anxiety, awe, fear and insecurity.
It is crucial to clarify that the ability to speak in public is not an innate skill, but something that is learned over time, with small steps and lots of practice. Likewise, it is not a skill limited to the lucky few, but one that can be acquired by anyone.
Google offers users a free course about public speaking within its platform. The course aims to make the user more confident in public speaking, emphasizes the importance of body language, and offers sound advice on how to quickly and simply tailor speeches to a specific audience.
We have addressed the topic of productivity in study and work several times before. It is always a hot and useful topic for those who have difficulty concentrating and performing their tasks without distractions and procrastination.
The course Google offers is basically focused on increasing productivity at work, but these are tips that can easily be applied to studying as well. It gives an overview of learning time management, demonstrates why it is necessary to assign the right priorities to work more efficiently.
Today, technology plays an important role in society: it allows administrative and bureaucratic practices to be done faster, it is used to optimize work, study, communication and much more. Everything happens online and through digital tools, and our daily lives revolve around platforms and devices. But how do we know if this actually improves our lives or is it just a source of distraction?
The Introduction to Digital Wellbeing course explains why it is important to have a healthy relationship with technology, teaches how to have a greater awareness of how to use the Internet, and shares tools that can help you develop and maintain healthy technology habits, which are also useful for improving the management of your work without distractions.
Networking is one of the most important practices in the digital age, useful not only when you are already inside the business world, but also during academic years.Online you can establish constructive relationships that can actually give a turn to your career even in an unexpected way.
That’s why Google’s platform offers a course to teach the public how to network effectively through personal brand building and networking, both online and in the real world.
In this article we looked at 5 online courses to improve one’s professional development that the Google e-learning platform makes available to the public in an easy, accessible and free way. Nowadays, it is essential to improve one’s soft skills and prepare to face the world of work ready, confident and in line with companies’ expectations, but above all motivated to give one’s best in the field.
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