Saving money on lunch or just simply having time to prepare it could be difficult for a non-resident student. Being financially independent it’s not so easy, it’s a matter of fact. Finding alternative solutions to eat healthy on a budget is a real must for university students. But how to do it?
As we anticipated at the beginning of this brief study, staying at university is no easy feat, taking account of rentals, bus passes and daily expenses. And on top of that, costs are quite high and time seems to be less and less.
It is worth pointing out that Milan is one of the most expensive Italian metropolis and even if there are plenty of opportunities to save money, the risk of running out of capital is very hight for the non-resident student in this city.
We have to consider that eating as a student in Milan represents one of the major cost items.
Even if there’re university canteens and homemade meals, it’s not unusual to meet each other and eat out; as those who have passed the first year of studies may well tell – bars and restaurants are not always so cheap.
The schiscetta i.e the possibility of carrying your own homemade food in a container at work or school is loved by workers and students.
Whether it’s a sandwich or a fruit, little changes. With this term, that found its origins in Milan, it is usual to define the possibility of consuming home-cooked meal away from home.
By the way: not everyone knows that the term schiscetta derives from the Milanese dialect to crush: originally, in fact, food was crushed in containers, suitable for being easily stored in bags and other objects.
The advantages of the schiscetta are a lot: the economic saving is clear and is just of one the benefits we recommend you to keep in mind.
With the schiscetta you can eat healthy: you can prepare a meal, knowing the quality and origin of the raw materials used. You will also save time: avoiding the queues in bars, restaurants, canteens and in general in any place there is a line to do to eat.
It’s important to note that in times like this, with the Covid-19 pandemic, eating the schiscetta by yourself, or with other colleagues in sufficiently large places, with low density of people, will help you contain the risk of contagion.
In order to maximize savings as well as the schiscetta, we recommend you the best supermarkets to save money: we have dedicated, on our blog, an in-depth study on how and where to shop in Milan when you are a university student, with lots of tips for cut costs!
Finally, think about how varied and fun can be the use of the schiscetta: day by day you can prepare different dishes, testing your culinary skills.
We remind you that If you are a guest student on our campuses, you can use our kitchens to prepare all your favorite dishes!
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