Finding a home to study in Milan? It is certainly not difficult, given the wide range of real estate opportunities available to off-site students.
However, finding a good accommodation is quite different, meaning as such a solution that is economically competitive and has all those features and comforts that will make life easier and more satisfying for the student who – perhaps, for the first time in his life – is faced with a new condition of managerial autonomy.
But how to find an apartment for rent in Milan? And what are the best alternatives available today?
As we anticipated, finding a student apartment for rent in Milan is not too difficult. It is enough to have a little familiarity with the web, ask the right contacts and know how to negotiate with the counterpart a solution that does not excessively sacrifice one’s portfolio and, on the other hand, is strategic for one’s own study purposes.
In fact, it is clear that a good student apartment for rent in Milan must be close to the university you choose to attend, well connected to public transport networks and in an area served by the main services. But where to find it?
A first starting point adopted by many students who are about to find a house for rent are Facebook groups.
On social networks there are in fact groups of students, former students, associations and other operators, who offer houses or rooms for rent or, on the other hand, are ready to accommodate the requests and needs of off-site students.
Very often, however, on these groups you have to deal with unprofessional people and it is not uncommon to come across scams, therefore it is not a very recommendable method.
Another way to look for a house in Milan if you are an off-site student is to go directly to the service of a real estate agency.
Choosing this path will allow you to have a good catalog of alternatives and the ability to delegate to the agent all the bureaucratic parts relating to the stipulation of contracts and their registration.
However, the role of the agent is obviously not free. Therefore, always keep in mind that the agency’s intervention will end up weighing heavily on your spending budget. In the light of this, it is not the ideal solution if you are looking for quality student accommodation at the correct market price.
In recent years, more and more students have discovered (or rediscovered) the pleasure of living in a Campus in Milan, such as those offered by our facilities.
The reasons that could make this solution preferable to other alternatives are really numerous. Think, for example, of the possibility of:
– taking advantage of better economic planning, since you will pay an “all inclusive” amount to use accommodation that is always clean and a long series of ancillary services;
– using electricity, water, cleaning services, laundromat, study rooms, Internet connection and many other “options” included in the price, without having to worry about the costs according to consumption;
– interacting with other off-site students, Italian or foreign, living in a context of sociality and cultural enrichment.
The benefits of living on a campus in Milan are, of course, much more extensive. Precisely for this reason we advise you to deepen them by reading the services you find in our In-Domus facilities and, if you like, make an appointment for a guided tour.
In the last few lines, we recalled how Milan abounds with excellent solutions for lodging during the entire study period. This does not mean, however, that you have to arrive in the city without having previously planned where to stay.
Our suggestion is to find an apartment or campus that you like a few months before the start of your off-site student adventure.
In this way you will have all the time to organize your experience in the best way and, of course, to familiarize yourself with the area and with the services that you can find in it.
One of the criteria that is often used for identifying accommodation in Milan is that of proximity to one’s own university.
Choosing accommodation that allows you to reach the University on foot is a fundamental added value, which will simplify – and not a little – your daily commute to get to the institute.
Therefore, evaluate this element very well, especially if you are attending a university that requires constant attendance at lessons, or if you have to attend many courses.
Another useful criterion for finding accommodation in Milan is certainly to find a solution that is close to the metro or the public transport system enjoyed by the metropolitan area of the Lombard capital.
As we have mentioned several times on these pages, Milan boasts one of the most efficient transport networks in Italy, and you will therefore have no difficulty in planning your daily trips using one of the many means available.
Given the above, it is clear that each rental solution has its advantages and disadvantages, and that each student must necessarily make specific assessments to identify the most useful option.
One of the main solutions is that of a single room for rent in Milan. As can be guessed, this is the possibility of being able to rent a room in an apartment shared with other students, or within a host family.
The advantages of this solution are mainly represented by the possibility of being able to reduce costs compared to other alternatives such as the studio apartment or the two-room apartment but, on the other hand, it will be necessary to deal with the need to share the use of services and common areas with strangers.
As can be guessed, the double room is a room in which two people sleep. It is an even cheaper solution than that of a single room but, obviously, also the less attractive one, considering that there will be no moments of confidentiality and complete privacy, even at night.
For the rest, the characteristics are those in common with the single room, with particular reference to the sharing of living spaces with other tenants.
More expensive than single and double rooms is the solution represented by the studio apartment, a rather small apartment, represented by a bedroom, a living room with kitchen and a bathroom. Ideal for the student who wishes to be alone, it is the cheapest alternative among all those available to those who want to have their own spaces not to share with others.
Those who can afford something more expensive may well opt for renting a two-room apartment in Milan. The solution is certainly expensive – especially in the Lombard capital, where the rentals are quite expensive – but it is certainly a welcome option, considering that the availability of an extra room compared to the two-room apartment will allow you to host any visiting relatives or friends.
Be careful though. With the studio and the two-room apartment, costs tend to rise rapidly!
In the last few lines, we have summarized some of the main characteristics of the alternatives available to those who wish to live for rent in Milan.
The opportunity is of course useful for us to invite you to also evaluate the increasingly popular one, represented by the possibility of staying on a university campus in Milan which, for a fixed monthly fee, will be able to guarantee you all the services you need to better enjoy your off-site student experience.
If you want to know more and, perhaps, want to see live how our campuses are organized, contact us without obligation!
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