Milan is probably the Italian city with the widest educational offers concerning the so-called new fields of work. Study Digital Marketing in Milan can have many advantages such as: excellent courses in renowned institutions and a strong job demand in this field among companies and startups.
Wrongly, especially in Italy, people think that to work in marketing, and especially in digital marketing, you do not need degrees and special knowledge. In reality, this is an ever-evolving science and continuous study is necessary.
Among the most in-demand jobs in today’s working environment, there are undoubtedly many related to this discipline. However, there is still confusion about the different job roles.
So if you want to embark on a career in Digital Marketing it will be necessary to study but also specialize in the branch you are most interested in.
But where to study Digital Marketing in Milan? Let’s see it together
Università IULM Milano – Comunicazione, Media e Pubblicità
IULM in Milan offers a very wide range of Digital Marketing degree programs among bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees, and they are all highly verticalized.
Università degli Studi di Milano
The State University of Milan offers a three-year degree program in Computer Science for Digital Communication. The workplace where a graduate of this course can be placed are various: the industry and services for cultural productions (Web, publishing, radio, cinema, television, new media), business communication services, services for political-social communication, advertising companies, public and private enterprises.
IED is one of the largest Higher Education Networks in the creative field present in 3 countries: Italy, Spain and Brazil. Its characteristic is to be “an inclusive and transdisciplinary school that uses design as a universal language for change.”
Among on-site and online courses, IED offers 27 training courses in Digital Marketing.
Some examples: Communication Design, Fashion Marketing, Brand Management and Communication.
As we have seen, Milan offers many opportunities for those who want to study Digital Marketing and enter this world.
However, it is not enough to have a degree in Digital Marketing, it is essential then to be able to specialize, in this case we recommend that you focus on your soft skills and what you like doing most. For example:
Are you a creative person, and do you love to write and also make original graphics?
Then you can become a Digital Content Manager: the figure in charge of creating content for a company.
Do you love Social Media, are you up to date with current trends, are you interested in working on both the strategic and operational sides? Study to become a Social Media Manager.
If, on the other hand, you are someone who prefers to work on websites and implement the right strategy to have an optimized site that always appears among the first in searches then you can specialize and become a Seo Specialist.
There are countless professions related to Digital Marketing, and people often fall into the belief that the same person knows how to do all of these roles. Certainly it is important to know a little bit of everything, but it is absolutely wrong to think that you can specialize and know how to do all the jobs related to Digital Marketing well.
Follow your interests and study the area where you can best express your skills. You will see that you will get incredible results.
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