When you have had to decide where to study, you will have spent many hours researching not only the university but also the quality of services, urban and leisure, offered by your chosen university city
This assessment takes on a very important connotation, in order to make the experience of being away from home as smooth and pleasant as possible.
A university city that does not offer adequate urban services creates quite a few difficulties for students.
Even if they have the possibility of attending excellent universities, in some cases, are subject to not inconsiderable delays in pursuing their studies.
According to a survey carried out by Almalaurea, the most frequently used service is public transport.
Unfortunately it corresponds to one of the most problematic services in most university towns.
In spite of subsidized prices for students on season tickets, the judgment regarding the quality of the service offered is almost never positive.
Long waits, crowded subways and buses, suspended services, malfunctioning vehicles are almost the order of the day.
These events cause stress and discontent among students, who have to reach the faculty on time or get home having to waste hours in traffic.
Finally, from your search you have found a university city with good urban services and an excellent university. You are almost ready to start your admission paperwork.
But before proceeding, have you considered whether that city also offers good year-round leisure facilities?
Yes, student life is not just about lectures and study. The leisure component is crucial when evaluating a good place to study.
The second services most used by students in university towns are those dedicated to leisure time: shopping centres, cultural events and sports facilities.
University cities host thousands of off-site students every year.
This is why they must ensure a good supply of accommodation: from university campuses to available houses or rooms for rent.
Besides the need to have a sufficiently high supply to accommodate all requests, two other key factors are price and quality.
Off-site students are supported by their families or have obtained scholarships. The choice of accommodation very often comes down to quality.
This does not mean that value for money is not considered, in fact most students, if satisfied with the place where they live, are also willing to spend a little more.
In recent years, moreover, many institutions have turned to the Student Housing sector, financing projects for the redevelopment of structures and urban areas and the construction of residential campuses for university students.
One example of this is In-Domus, which through the management of its own brand of residences intends to contribute to the right to university study by offering housing solutions at subsidised prices
The geographical size of the place where one studies really makes a difference.
A large metropolis, such as Milan or Rome, offers a wide choice of study courses and prestigious universities.
In cities such as these, students make greater use of different services, finding particular satisfaction in the leisure and cultural offerings, which are more scarce in smaller cities.
With regard to health services and transport, satisfaction is higher among students living in small and medium-sized university towns.
In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on improving the quality of services offered.
Administrations and institutions are becoming aware of the importance of the quality of life they have to offer their students.
The environment in which one lives is fundamental to one’s health; living in a university city that has a functioning and quality network of services can protect the lifestyle of students and help them live their university years with less stress and anxiety.
A good public transport service, a wide cultural offer and a specially designed health service could make the difference both for university cities, which would increase their prestige, and for students, who would see their lifestyle greatly improved.
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